International Aerospace Days - Virtual Matchmaking
UPDATE 15 June 2020
You want to get a quick insight into the innovative Aerospace scene of Berlin-Brandenburg? Please note that there will be a digital pitch session on the Aerospace Industry in the capital region on Wednesday, 17 June (3pm to 4pm).
selected innovative companies and research institutes from the capital
region will present their innovative projects in
short pitches. These are:
- Celestial
- AlphaLink Engineering
- Fraunhofer IPK
- Planetary Transportation Systems GmbH
- Orbit Recyling
- Tiwari Scientific Instruments
- PaxLive Innovation
For further information and registration, please have a look here.
UPDATE 5 June 2020
- Given the great success of "International Aerospace Days", which took place from 13 to 15 May, we are pleased to offer an additional virtual matchmaking, taking place from 16 to 18 June.
- All previously registered participants as well as new participants are invited to use the virtual environment to present their new projects and ideas and to discuss potential collaboration.
- Registration and the possibility to book meetings is open again!
- The virtual matchmaking is taking place with in the framework of ILA goes digital.
UPDATE 2 April 2020
- Due to the outbreak of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) ILA Berlin 2020 has been cancelled.
- Instead, we are happy to offer all registered participants a virtual environment for matchmaking, where you can manage your 1:1 sessions securely.
- Date and time of the event remain unchanged, registration is still open!
„Innovation and Leadership in Aerospace”
is the motto of the International Aerospace Days 2020.
Take the opportunity to achieve more visibility for your organisation or business by setting up a profile on this page and find new international cooperation partners for research, technology and innovation.
Meet Potential Partners from Berlin-Brandenburg and all around the world
As host of the International Aerospace Days, the Enterprise Europe Network Berlin-Brandenburg invites you to take a closer look at the aerospace industry in the Berlin-Brandenburg Capital Region. Meet and match with potential cooperation partners from Berlin-Brandenburg and around the world in our “virtual Business Meetings" on 13, 14 and 15 May - and 16, 17 and 18 June.
Meetings last 20 minutes each. Participation in the matchmaking is free of charge.
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